National Commission for Women’s Act

National Commission for Women's Act

National commission for women (NCW) is a regulatory body, established by the Indian government for dealing with the different issues and problems involving and revolving around women in our country. It is a statutory body of the Government of India, which is generally concerned with advising the government on all the different matters and policies related or affecting women. It was established on 31st January 1992, under the Indian Constitution and is defined in the National Commission for Women Act in 1990. Its headquarters is located in New Delhi and have other regional offices in different cities and states. The first head of the Commission was JAYANTI PAYNAIK and the present chairperson is REKHA SHARMA. The chairperson of the Committee must be dedicated and committed to the cause of women and is nominated by the Central Government. Apart from the chairperson, five other members are also nominated by the central government, who have the required ability, experience and skills to be hired at such designation. Various other committees are also appointed by it, as per the necessity to deal with certain special issues in their course of work. The National Commission for Women has an official website i.e .

There are many goals and objectives, which the commission aims at achieving. Some of them are:

  • Providing a voice to the  issues and concerns related to women
  • Representing the rights of women
  • Dealing issues and complains of women regarding some subjects like religion, dowry, abuse of women, unequal representation of women at working places, sexual harassment of women at work places, exploitation of women as labor etc .
  • Ensures regularly publishing a monthly newsletter , namely RASHTRA MAHILA , both in Hindi and English languages.

There are many areas of controversy in which NCW played a remarkable role.

Some of the limelight areas of NCW’s work are:

  • Work done for ensuring guarantee to woman’s security in unconventional relationships
  • Voice raised for demanding women not to be punished for adultery as ‘a woman is the victim and not an offender‘ as per the statements by its officials
  • Advocated amendment of section 198 of CrPC etc.

There are abundant functions and duties performed by the NCW. It critically inquires, investigates and examines all matters relating to the safeguards provided for women under the Indian constitution and other laws. The commission also seeks proper reports about the working of different committees and other systems, on an annual basis, to further submit them to the Central Government. With the changing needs and times of the society, the committee also ensures proper and timely review, amendments and positive changes in the already existing laws regarding women.

There are various bodies working under the NCW which encourage and take up the charge of handling any violation of laws and provisions established under state laws or the Indian constitution. It also makes suggestions for the remedial legislative measures, to overcome any inadequacies, shortcomings or loopholes in legislations relating to women. It aims at achieving the objective of equality and development of women, at all levels. Looking into complains of matters dealing minimum compliance of decisions, policies, guidelines, instructions etc, which mitigates and involve hardships in the objectives of commission is also among its function. Any complaint regarding deprivation of rights of women, non implementation of laws meant for protection of women etc are to be dealt by the commission. It also works for ensuring welfare and providing relief to women by making available various alternate methods of seeking redressal through proper and appropriate authorities.

The various committees under NCW, work consistently in identifying the various causes of discrimination and atrocities arising against women and recommend strategic measures for its betterment and removal of such problems. Special investigations and researches are conducted by it, for identifying the various problems and different circumstances which lead to them. It tries to identify the various factors responsible for improper advancement, lack of basic access to different services, improper technology to reduce the widespread health hazards among women. It critically evaluates the progress and development of women under the union and the states.

Many plans and policies are drawn up for socioeconomic development of women and making hike in participation, involvement of women at various social, economical, etc overall stages. It also ensures proper basic human rights and abiding others safety provisions and laws , at many remand homes, women institutions, women cells etc and maintaining issuance and taking up of any remedial actions , if required , with the assistance of concerned authorities of the institution. The reports by the Commission are used by different states as well as the central government in making, amending, restructuring laws and rules pertaining to women. Proper records are maintained by the commission on its various work projects and their progress. Same is to be reported to the Central Government, along with briefing about matters and difficulties under which women toil. It ensures that proper representation of women, in all spheres, be done by promoting numerous educational researches, and other Studies along with adhering positive criticism on its work and functioning.

“The views of the authors are personal


  • PDF on national commission for women act at>ncwact
  • National commission for women article on https:/>ncw
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